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    National Avian Research Center

    Year: 2021   |   Location: Abu Dhabi  

    3rd Generation Sequencing

    The Life Sciences and Healthcare division at Scientechnic along with channel partners Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) supplied Long Read Sequencing Technology with Automated Sample Preparation Solution to the National Avian Research Center (NARC) located at Sweihan, between emirates Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. The centre is also recognised as the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC).

    The Nanopore solution supports avian genomic studies to unlock significant information towards the conservation and breeding of rare bird species. The center’s main focus is on the preservation of the Houbara bustard, a bird strongly linked with ancient Arabian heritage. The in-house breeding programme aims to discover the genetic makeup of this species using sequencing tools to aid in producing healthy and disease-free birds,

    ultimately saving them from extinction.

    Across the field of avian biology knowledge is extremely uneven and recent advancements in technology like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) helps in answering key outstanding questions in this area. Scientechnic-ONT partnership caters to research groups in this territory, providing innovative solutions.

    The NARC was was established in 1989 as the first centre specialised in breeding and research related to the Asian Houbara bustard, with an aim to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the country. It was an honour for the Life Sciences team to be a part of this noble cause and we look forward to many more associations.

    • Scientechnic Life Sciences and Healthcare division along with exclusive partners Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) supplied long read sequencing technology with automated sample preparation solution to the National Avian Research Centre (NARC), Sweihan, Abu Dhabi.
    • The Nanopore solution would support avian genomic studies to unlock significant information towards the conservation and breeding of rare bird species like the Houbara bastard, strongly linked with the ancient Arabian heritage.
    • The Life Science and Healthcare division delivers cutting-edge technology, professional expertise and efficient services to analytical and life science laboratories.


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