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    Switching to LEDs? Upcycle your old lamps

    Switching to LEDs? Here are some simple and creative DIY ideas on how to repurpose old incandescent bulbs

    Step 1: Clean the bulb

    Before getting to the creative and fun part of this DIY, one needs to know how to clean the bulb. This involves breaking glass, so wear eye protection glasses. Remove the metal tip from the bottom of the bulb. Using needle-nose pliers, nudge the sides of the metal tip from the black glass part and take it out. You will feel a couple little wires snap when you do this.

    Step 2: Remove the black glass

    Hold one side of the glass with the pliers and firmly twist up to snap the glass. This glass is pretty thick and will take some force to break it; so be careful and hold onto the bulb firmly. Using the flathead screwdriver as a sort of lever, snap the interior tube from the side.

    Step 3: Break the containing tube

    Twist the screwdriver around to smash the containing tube. It takes some force to do this; be careful, but also don’t be afraid of the bulb itself breaking. Pull out any remaining wires with the pliers. If there are any last bits of glass around the interior edge, break these off with the screwdriver. And now you have an empty light bulb!

    Step 4: Rinse and drill holes

    Drill holes and hang with a string. There are ample videos and articles online to help with the above process.

    One of the most popular uses of an old bulb is to convert it into a small terrarium or a vase. A little bit of sand, green moss and air plants known as Tillandsia make the best terraniums. These are easily available in any nursery and can also be bought online. Terraniums need a little bit of water and partial sunlight every day.

    If you don’t have a green thumb and prefer to add a dash of colour to your house instead then fill your bulbs with colourful buttons or satin ribbons and brighten up your environment.

    Old bulbs can also be used as spice jars, flower vases or simply showpieces that reflect your personality.

    With the long life and energy efficiency, LED lights are quickly replacing incandescent lights. Take a look at our wide range of LED bulbs.

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