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    How to be conscious of your energy consumption and save money

    With a goal to reduce the carbon footprint of the city, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) have initiated several ways by which you can monitor your energy consumption, track the usage within your residential area and observe peak load hours, all meant to lower your electricity bill and bring down its costs.

    DEWA’s annual campaign ‘Let’s Make this Summer Green’, aims to boost awareness about the importance of adopting sustainable practices and smart consumption during summer months. Here are some tips on how to bring your electricity cost down over the summer.

    The energy consumption and efficiency of your home is in your control. Understanding how much energy is used every day and what big changes need to be made to save energy is key to making an impact on your home.

    • Your television, microwave and even some washing machines have a ‘standby’ mode, which means that they are still using energy even when not in use. Unplug all your appliances to ensure that this does not happen.
    • Larger appliances always use up more energy and electricity than smaller ones. Picking the right kind of energy efficient appliances is key to saving energy.
    • Find out how your home uses energy, and where it’s losing the most energy so you can develop a plan to save in the short and long term. As part of DEWA’s efforts to help its customers conserve electricity and water within their buildings, energy efficiency engineers conduct site visits, namely walkthrough energy audits of a customer’s home. Through the results of these audits home owners can identify potential areas for conservation and implement the changes suggested.
    • Air conditioning represents 60% of the load during peak electrical times during summer months. Set your air-conditioner to 24°C to save cost. Programming your thermostats is vital to making a change.

    You have the power to save energy and reduce the utility cost in your home. To get a clear picture of your consumption and usage, click here to check out (DEWA’s) Tariff Calculator or download their app to get all the information you need on your bills and consumption.

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