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    Five ways that companies are getting more strategic about their energy management practices

    Companies in the Middle East are constantly looking for innovative energy saving tactics and international advancements to upgrade their energy management strategies.

    Here are some key trends to kick start the energy saving process within your organisation:

    Get strategic with your equipment

    Known to be more cost effective in the long run with lower maintenance costs, the shift to energy efficient products will pave the way for a hassle-free and environmentally friendly work environment. The change from traditional incandescent bulbs to LED lighting solutions or even investing in programmable thermostats that will automatically reduce and increase cooling based on busy working hours and after hours, make an impact. These simple and basic practices are gaining traction among companies within the UAE.

    Energy Audits

    Auditors are trained to look for opportunities to reduce the amount of energy input into a building without negatively affecting the outputs. In Dubai, the Energy Audit Firm Accreditation Scheme was created in order to ensure that licensed and accredited firms under the scheme inspect, survey and analyse the energy flow into a building and provide energy efficient solutions. This much needed initiative helps evaluate the overall power usage within an organization and areas for change.

    Encourage employees to get on board 

    From reducing the use of paper to switching off and unplugging gadgets when not in use, the smallest changes when incorporated can have a large impact. Spread awareness among employees in order to create a cohesive workforce that is conscious of their contribution to the environment. This beneficial workplace initiative is bound to impact every employees home and office life.

    Widespread Awareness

    As companies get more strategic with budgets and technology advances, the investment in energy efficiency increases significantly. The choices a company makes about its energy sourcing and consumption can profoundly influence its cost structure. Energy investments in the Middle East are expected to increase by a total of 7% in 2017, as compared to last year with governments continuing to make investing in the energy sector a priority.

    Make Clean Energy part of Your Corporate Story

    Local and international firms in the UAE have started incorporating the importance of energy conservation into their core values and vision. As most strategies taken on by organizations, energy initiatives also require investments in the form of time and money. To foster a culture of sustainability, organizations need to be action oriented and consistent in their efforts.

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