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    Efficient engineering with integrated automation

    The engineering of automation solutions forms the basis of the productivity and efficiency of your processes. It is a central lever for competently mastering the constantly increasing complexity of machines and plants. Make your production faster, more flexible, and more intelligent right from the start with Totally Integrated Automation.

    Totally Integrated Automation is our solution that ensures all automation components work perfectly together. The open system architecture covers the entire production process and is completely based on consistent data management, international standards, uniform hardware and software interfaces. With the Siemens SIMATIC IPCs, you can count on the highest quality. These devices are designed for reliable continuous operation in an industrial environment and to meet our quality standards from the development process to the product itself.

    SIMATIC IPCs are an integral part of Totally Integrated Automation. They can be configured easily and efficiently using the integrated TIA Portal engineering framework and integrated directly into the automation network. In this way, you enjoy reduced costs, a shorter time to market, more flexibility, and greater data transparency.

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