Year: 2018 | Location: Dubai
Indoor lighting solutions
Jameel Arts Centre is one of the first contemporary arts institutions in Dubai. Located at Jaddaf Waterfront, the Centre’s multiple gallery spaces are home to curated commissions, projects, and solo and group exhibitions, drawn both from the Art Jameel Collection and through regional and international collaborations.
The building itself is a specially-commissioned, three-storey, multi-disciplinary space designed by UK-based practice Serie Architects, with Dubai-based Ibda design as consultant architects. The architecture offers a flexible and rich curatorial potential – from intimate spaces for capsule exhibitions through to large galleries with soaring heights for sculptural and installation works.
Scientechnic along with partners ERCO have been responsible for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of internal lighting solutions for Galleries 1 and 3 Artist’s Rooms on the ground floor and the exhibition ‘Crude’ on the first floor of the centre. A combination of Spotlights, Downlights and Wallwashers were used to create inviting and vivid lighting scenarios for each artwork.
The ERCO Lighting solutions used are Optec Spotlights, Wallwashers and Floodlights, Optec Contour spotlights and Parscan Floodlights and Wallwashers.